The Flying Squad Unit and Mukono Police have arrested two suspects in the armed robbery of Spice Supermarket, in Mukono Municipality during an intelligence...
The police in Mbarara city are investigating a fire incident that gutted Mbarara View High School on Monday early morning.
ASP Samson Kasasira, Rwizi Regional...
Following the mysterious disappearance of Twinomujuni Prossy, the territorial police at Entebbe arrested Nkurunzinza Laurent who has led them to her remains.
According to Kampala...
Security has been tipped of a planned demonstration by some
Street vendors and hawkers in Kampala.
According to the sources in the security Circles, vendors under...
Preliminary findings from the ongoing investigations indicate that the criminals behind the spate of killings attacks in Masaka City and Lwengo Districts are being...