Natete police are currently investigating an alarming incident of attempted murder where a man wielding a panga (machete) launched a vicious attack at a...
The police in Mukono district, in collaboration with the Criminal Investigations Task Force, have apprehended a notorious hacker for allegedly penetrating mobile money systems...
While on a road tour on Friday, July, 28, 2023, Kampala Capital City and Metropolitan Affairs Minister, Hon. Hajat Minsa Kabanda, accompanied by the...
Ali Mulyanyama, the Makindye Division Mayor and Board Member on the KCCA football team, has openly declared his interest to unseat Elias Lukwago come...
A second victim of the Makindye division bar shooting has been confirmed dead following the shooting by a Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) officer on the morning of 7th March 2023.
Police in Kampala has discovered recovered human remains in a shrine located in Kazinga,Masajja Kibira B village, Masajja parish in Makindye Ssabagabo.
Jiaja Magombe John, aged 50 years is a traditional healer who is suspected to have killed the human beings...