Following an extensive investigation by the Directorate of Crime Intelligence and the Nsangi Police, an armed gang of robbers preying on mobile money operators...
A total of 56 police trainers from three police training schools of Kabalye, Olilim and Ikafe yesterday, June 13th, participated in a one-day training...
Police at Central Police Station (CPS) Kampala have arrested and detained the driver of a motor vehicle, registration number UAZ 515C, identified as Mukwaya...
The Counter Terrorism (CT) Police detonated two bombs planted at Joggo, a trading center in Sonde-Mukono District, on Tuesday evening, April 25th.
According to locals,...
On Wednesday, April 19th, Police reported a fire that gutted the Ntinda police barracks in Nakawa Division.
According to ASP Luke Owoyesigyire, the Kampala Metropolitan...