Tag: Nature


Rediscovering Rare Fruits: The Rural Delights Children Miss in the City

In today’s fast-growing and changing urban lifestyle, many children are missing out on the vibrant flavors and unique experiences that come from visiting rural...

Beauty Meets Nature at the Captivating Entebbe Botanical Gardens

The Entebbe Botanical Garden (EBG) is a place where beauty meets nature. Stepping into the garden, the enchanting array of vibrant flowers and flourishing...

Is Mother Nature Fighting Back For Man’s Carelessness in Destroying The Environment?

Yesterday,8th March 2023, at Math Science and Technology (MST) school in Bwerenga Kawuku, during a sports event, parents, teachers, and well-wishers watched with patience...

Nature Conservation: A Godly Task for All

In Genesis 1:2, God created great creatures and every living thing that moves, with which the waters abound according to their kind, and every...