
A Journey of Love, Loss, and Guilt: The Story of Sophie

Sophie’s life took an unexpected turn in September 2020 when she met two charming cousins, Bosco and Davis, at a family function. As a service provider at the event, she...

Losing My Purity to One Who Did Not Value It: A Life-Changing Experience 

Growing up sheltered, I thought that having sex meant automatically getting pregnant, which made me jealously guard my...

Unpacking Uganda’s Diverse Culture: Understanding How Bakiga in South Western Uganda Ready Their Daughters for Marriage

In the rolling hills of South Western Uganda, the Bakiga people have maintained their ancient customs and traditions....

Unpacking Uganda’s Diverse Culture: How the Bahima Prepare Girls for Marriage in Western Uganda

Uganda boasts a rich cultural heritage with diverse ethnic groups, each carrying distinct traditions. Among them, the Bahima...

A Moment of Weakness: How a Pastor’s Lapse in Judgement Almost Compromised My Faith

As I sat in the pastor's office, seeking guidance and prayer, I never imagined that our encounter would...

A Journey of Love, Loss, and Guilt: The Story of Sophie

Sophie’s life took an unexpected turn in September 2020 when she met two charming cousins, Bosco and Davis, at a family function. As a service provider at the event, she didn’t anticipate that this encounter would lead her down a path of passion and heartache. During a global lockdown due to COVID-19, with limited work opportunities, Sophie found herself drawn to the attention and affection from both men. What began as innocent flirting soon blossomed into a complicated affair, with...

Losing My Purity to One Who Did Not Value It: A Life-Changing Experience 

Growing up sheltered, I thought that having sex meant automatically getting pregnant, which made me jealously guard my purity because I never wanted to disappoint my parents by getting pregnant while still in school. After my A level, I was admitted to Makerere Business School (MUBS) to study Bachelor of Commerce. I made quite a number of friends in my class, most of them boys. While at least two of them showed interest in me, I assured them that I...

Unpacking Uganda’s Diverse Culture: Understanding How Bakiga in South Western Uganda Ready Their Daughters for Marriage

In the rolling hills of South Western Uganda, the Bakiga people have maintained their ancient customs and traditions. A significant part of their culture involves preparing daughters for marriage. This intricate process showcases the community's rich heritage, focusing on family values, respect, and unity. The journey typically begins when a girl reaches puberty, marking her transition to womanhood. Parents, especially the mother and aunt, shoulder the responsibility of teaching essential skills and values to their daughters. These teachings cover cooking,...

Unpacking Uganda’s Diverse Culture: How the Bahima Prepare Girls for Marriage in Western Uganda

Uganda boasts a rich cultural heritage with diverse ethnic groups, each carrying distinct traditions. Among them, the Bahima of Western Uganda's Ankole region stand out for their unique marriage preparation methods. This community, known for its cattle-keeping practices, holds a special bond with their cows. Spread across central and mainly western districts, such as Kiruhura, Kazo, Ntungamo, Mbarara, Rukungiri, Lyantonde, and Gomba, the Bahima people have roots deep in their land. In their culture, beauty is often associated with fat, particularly...

A Moment of Weakness: How a Pastor’s Lapse in Judgement Almost Compromised My Faith

As I sat in the pastor's office, seeking guidance and prayer, I never imagined that our encounter would take an unsettling turn and question my faith. The pastor, a man of God whom I had been introduced to by my auntie, almost crossed a sacred boundary. Things had not been going well in my life at that time, and my aunt convinced me to go see a trusted pastor. I remember my aunt paying Ugx50.000 to meet the man of...

PDM Funds an Opportunity for Investment, Not a Presidential Reward—Sebei Region Beneficiaries

Just like in any classroom, some grasp concepts easily, while others need more explanation. The Parish Development Model (PDM) is a government initiative that some might find confusing. The people of Sebei Region (Kapchorwa, Kween, and Bukwo districts) are making the most of it.   They have understood that the PDM program isn't a handout but a strategic initiative to get them out of poverty right at the parish level, which is the lowest economic planning unit, by coordinating public and...