The police in Wandegeya have undertaken a series of targeted operations against criminal gangs in response to escalating concerns voiced by the public regarding...
The territorial Police of Nsangi has foiled an attempted aggravated robbery at the residence of Mubarak Munyagwa in Kimbejja Cell, Budo ward , Kyengera...
Kira police have intensified their efforts to apprehend the perpetrators involved in the murder of Bianca, a young woman residing in Janda Zone, Namugongo...
The Uganda Police Force (UPF) is investigating the circumstances under which a 24-year-old barber and a 21-year-old student died.
According to the Deputy Public Relations...
Oringo Bosco, a 27-year-old private security guard working with Daron Security Company and a resident of Mbuya, Kampala District, allegedly shot and killed two...
Police in Kampala has reported to responding to two separate incidents in the district that were of concern to the populace.
ASP Luke Owoyesigyire Deputy...