Explorer Uganda

Butebo Chief Finance Officer arrested for swallowing Ugx1b cash

The Chief Finance Officer of Butebo District has been arrested in connection with the Ugx1b Scandal.

The suspect identified as Simon Kowa Mutekanga is alleged  to have mismanaged the funds over a period of time.

He was picked up on Friday by the State House Anti-Corruption Unit in liaison with the police and other security agencies.

The funds were meant for the implementation of various projects and programs within different departments in the District.

A source in the district revealed that the funds were to fund some activities, including capitation grants, piggery, poultry, and construction projects in various schools.

Mutekanga Kowa is also alleged to have sanctioned the disbursement of funds to a ghost secondary school called Kanginima Secondary School.

The unit has deepened investigations to ascertain other corruption activities within the district.



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