Two Butaleja Officials Arraigned Before Antigraft Court on Charges of Abuse of Office


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The State House Anti-Corruption Unit (SHAC-U) has joined forces with the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) to take action against government officials involved in abuse of office. In a recent development, two officials from Busolwe Town Council in Butaleja District have been arraigned before the Anti-Corruption Court.

According to a statement released by SHAC-U on May 27, 2024, the two accused officials, Julius Hirya (Town Clerk) and Charles Namutiga Guloba (Assistant Engineer) have been charged with abusing their authority by irregularly approving contracts to World Host Consultants Ltd without following proper procurement procedures. The contracts in question were for the designing of the town council’s structural plan.

“This impunity resulted in the loss of public funds through payments made to the irregularly contracted World Host Consultants Ltd,” the SHAC-U statement explained.

The two accused officials have been remanded in custody until June 14, 2024. The court proceedings are expected to shed light on the extent of their involvement in the alleged corruption and their motives for bypassing procurement protocols.

This is not an isolated incident, as similar cases have been brought before the Anti-Corruption Court in recent weeks. On May 9, 2024, two officials from Obongi District Local Government found themselves facing charges of abuse of office and embezzlement.

The individuals in question are Rasul Burhan Gobe, the Senior Human Resource Officer, and Adaku Alfred, the Acting Chief Finance Officer. Working in collusion with the Chief Administrative Officer, who is currently at large, they are alleged to have misused their authority by making overpayments to pensioners and existing salary earners in the district. Subsequently, they would demand a refund of the overpaid amounts.

If convicted under Section 11(1) of the Anti-Corruption Act, the accused individuals could face a prison sentence of up to seven years and a fine not exceeding UGX 5.3 million. Furthermore, those found guilty under Section 190(1) for fraudulent procurement may be sentenced to imprisonment for a maximum of three years.

The efforts of SHAC-U and CID reflect the government’s determination to combat corruption at all levels. By holding accountable those who misuse their positions for personal gain, these actions aim to restore transparency, accountability, and good governance. The public expects that such measures will serve as a deterrent, discouraging any further acts of corruption and restoring faith in the public service.

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