Tag: Mathias Mpuuga


PANIC: Censure Motion Petitioners Pitch-Camp in West-Nile to Secure Six Signatures

Members of Parliament (MPs) fronting the censure motion against four parliamentary commissioners have pitched camp in the West Nile sub-region to collect the remaining...

NUP Officials in Mukono Accuse Supporters who Attended Mpuuga’s Ceremony of “Betrayal,” Threaten Violence

National Unity Platform (NUP) officials in Mukono district have made grave allegations against their own supporters. Accusing them of betrayal, these officials have issued...

NUP Urges Mathias Mpuuga to Seek Repentance Before Thanksgiving Events

The top leadership of the National Unity Platform (NUP) has urged the former leader of opposition in parliament, Mathias Mpuuga, to seek repentance and...

NUP Leaders Snub Mpuuga’s Thanksgiving Event, Bribe MPs with Ugx 5 Million Not to Attend

The leaders of Uganda's opposition National Unity Platform (NUP) party, in a dramatic turn of events, have decided to boycott the upcoming Thanksgiving event...

DP Bloc Defects From NUP Over Bobi Wine’s Incompetence

Members of the DP Bloc who joined hands with the Firebase crew in 2020 to form the National Unity Platform (NUP) have broken off...

Ssekikubo Blasts Opposition MPs for Failing to Support Censure of the Four Parliamentary Commissioners

In a recent press conference held at Parliament,launched a scathing attack on opposition MPs for their conspicuous absence in signing the motion to censure...