Ssekikubo Blasts Opposition MPs for Failing to Support Censure of the Four Parliamentary Commissioners


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In a recent press conference held at Parliament,launched a scathing attack on opposition MPs for their conspicuous absence in signing the motion to censure four MPs on the Parliamentary Commission. Criticizing their reluctance, Ssekikubo questioned the Opposition’s initial promises to fight corruption, wondering why they are now shying away from such an important opportunity.

Ssekikubo expressed his disappointment at the lack of participation from Opposition MPs in the motion to censure the four parliamentary commissioners. While he had hoped to close the registration of signatures for the motion this week, he revealed that it is mainly NRM MPs who are actively involved in the exercise.

“The hallmark of NRM is clean leadership. We fight for accountability and transparency. Yet the Opposition MPs are wobbling, hiding, and refusing to take a stand. They must fulfill their duty as representatives and come forward to hold Parliament accountable,” Ssekikubo stated.

The outspoken MP emphasized that only 177 signatures are required to initiate the censure process, urging all MPs not to run away from the debates in Parliament. Ssekikubo argued that the accused commissioners should be given an opportunity to explain themselves regarding the alleged misallocation of UGX 1.7 billion among the commission members. After all, Parliament is meant to serve as a platform for transparency and accountability.

“Where are those MPs who boasted of championing accountability and transparency?” Ssekikubo asked, questioning the commitment of opposition MPs who had made promises to fight corruption and address poor service delivery during their election campaigns.

This development comes on the heels of a statement released on May 21, 2024, by a group of MPs demanding the censure of Esther Afoyochan (Zombo DWR), Prossy Akampulira (Rubanda DWR), Solomon Silwany (Bukooli Central), and Mathias Mpuuga (Nyendo-Mukungwe). These commissioners are accused of awarding themselves unauthorized service awards totaling Shs1.7 Bn, along with a monthly salary of Shs 23 M, without seeking parliamentary approval.

As the debate surrounding the censure motion intensifies, the public now awaits the response and explanation from the accused commissioners, who will have an opportunity to clarify their actions before Parliament. The case has once again highlighted the importance of accountability and transparency within the government as it moves towards ensuring the highest standards of governance.

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