Explorer Uganda

Road Users Cry Foul as NUP Flouts Traffic Guidelines in Ishaka-Bushenyi

Road users, including passenger vehicle operators, in Western Uganda have asked police traffic to regulate political marches in the area to avoid interfering with their daily businesses.

This stemmed from huge traffic interferences witnessed on Tuesday, July 16, 2024, in Ishaka-Bushenyi when several foot soldiers of the opposition National Unity Platform Party blocked major streets to pave ways for their processions during the visit by Robert Kyagulanyi, aka Bobi, the NUP leader.

During their procession in Ishaka town, many NUP foot soldiers were seen blocking off the roads, a move that largely inconvenienced other road users.

Kavuma Sadiq, a driver at Tausi Bus Company that plies on the Mbarara-Bushenyi highway, said their operation was widely interfered with during NUP’s procession.

Sadiq said he was forced to delay for over an hour as boda-boda riders and some NUP supporters could not make way for vehicles and other road users traveling to Mbarara.

“I had to park for some good time and wait for the supporters to clear the road as my passengers were busy complaining and asking me to drive through,” Kavuma said.

The second phase of NUP’s country mobilization tour had earlier been suspended by the police after they were accused of flouting traffic guidelines.

NUP has already covered Bundibugyo and Bushenyi districts and is yet to cover more districts in western Uganda. The question of whether they will continue disregarding traffic guidelines or not is a question that only the Uganda Police can answer.

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