Luwero Residents Decry Scarcity of Ambulances, Call for Better Emergency Services


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Residents of Luwero district have appealed to the district leaders and Members of Parliament to supply the area with ambulances, following a number of individuals who have perished in emergencies due to delayed medical attention.

The locals’ comments were in response to a bus accident that occurred in the wee hours of Wednesday, May 22, 2024, at Naluvule in Luwero district, leaving several passengers critically injured. However, the scarcity of ambulances made it inevitable for the casualties to be rushed for better treatment and first aid.

Preliminary information indicates that a passenger bus belonging to Friendship Bus Company, under registration number UBA 363P, was coming from Juba and heading to Kampala. However, in the process of trying to overtake a trailer, it encountered another vehicle stuck in the middle of the road, and in the process of trying to dodge it, the bus overturned, leaving several passengers critically injured.

In an interview with journalists on May 23, 2024, one of the locals, identified as Siraje Baguma, said that none of the passengers died but several were in critical condition, and the locals found it difficult to rush them to various hospitals for treatment because there were no ambulances.

Baguma asked district leaders and Members of Parliament from Luwero to lobby for ambulances for the district to be used in cases of emergencies like accidents.

’’It is good that no passenger died despite them being critically injured; however, it was so sad that the injured kept calling out to be rushed to the hospital in time, but we had limited means to do that,’’ Baguma revealed.

According to the police, a statement will be released after thorough investigations to ascertain the real cause of the accident.

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