The government of Uganda has embarked on operations to spray new swarms of desert locusts that entered the country through Amudat and Nakapiripirit districts. Unlike the swarms that had earlier invaded the country, these are mainly young and mature locusts with high potential to cause havoc.
The Ministry of Agriculture has procured chemicals to be used to spray the locusts from Nairobi and Japan though with challenges due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The government has also purchased equipment and set aside funds totalling to 22 billion shillings from the treasury.
The Ministry of Agriculture in collaboration with experts from DLCOEA, FAO and NARO have built capacity of the UPDF, Extension Workers, Uganda Wild Life Authority staff and District Local Government staff. To-date 2,045 UPDF soldiers, 85 UWA staff, 385 Extension Workers and 450 other District Local Government staff have been trained and deployed.