Buganda’s Premier Calls for Worker Mental, Physical Well-being on International Labour Day


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The Katikkiro (Prime Minister) of Buganda, Charles Peter Mayiga, has today, May 1, 2024, highlighted the importance of providing not just good working conditions but also proactive measures to ensure the safety and health of employees in a world increasingly affected by climate change.

He stated that these include adapting workplaces to rising temperatures and extreme weather events, offering proper protective gear, and having clear emergency plans in place.

He also noted the importance of integrating physical activity into the workday. Creating space for on-site exercise breaks or encouraging participation in wellness programmes is a win-win situation.

“Improved employee health translates to a stronger employer-employee relationship, a crucial element for success,” Mayiga said.

Katikkiro emphasises that strong relationships are the foundation of a thriving work environment, stating that when employees feel valued and cared for, it fosters loyalty and dedication.

He said that employees with improved physical and mental well-being are more likely to bring fresh ideas and innovation to their work.

By incorporating exercise routines, employees can better handle challenges and persevere through demanding tasks.

“Physical activity builds resilience and encourages open communication at work,” Mayiga emphasised.

“A focus on employee well-being encourages open communication. When employers prioritise safety and health, it builds trust and fosters a culture of honesty,” he added.

He stated that Uganda should move beyond simply marking the occasion and actively work towards creating a safe, healthy, and thriving work environment for all in the Kingdom of Buganda and Uganda at large as the country celebrates International Labour Day 2024.

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