Novie Allens Ladu

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NUP’s Kunga Scheme: A Recruitment Trap for ADF and LGBTQI

The National Unity Platform #Kunga is an organized and well-disguised scheme for the recruitment of unsuspecting youths into ADF and LGBTQI communities. According to a...

Bobi Wine Incites Violence Against MP Kagabo in Retribution for His Refusal to Instigate Riots

Yesterday, April 12, 2023, in Magere, Bobi Wine held a meeting with NUP leaders from Bukoto at his home and accused NUP MP Twaha...

What Public Transport Will Look Like in Kampala After the Introduction of Metros

The website on April 6, 2023, ran an article titled "Need for Underground Metros Urgent as Kampala is Named World's Fastest Growing City." Today,...

Prostate Cancer: What patients need to know instead of Resorting to Witchcraft

Dr. Joseph Chandia, a surgeon at Wezcare Hospital in Kampala, describes prostate cancer as a cancer that occurs in the prostate. The prostate is...

Exposed: Sarah Bireete A Fraud, Convict Pretending to be Holier than Thou

In the gospel according to John 8:7; Jesus says, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at...

Need for Underground Metros Urgent as Kampala is Named World’s 3rd Fastest Growing City

Earlier this month on the 3rd of April, Ole Reider Bergum, Minister Counselor/ Deputy Head of Mission - Royal Norwegian Embassy in Uganda, on...