Agather Atuhaire, a human rights activist with Agora, has found herself in a critical situation, leading to her abandoning Antony Natif in favor of Eron Kiiza, a lawyer recently sentenced for contempt of court by the general court martial.
Sources close to Atuhaire revealed that after Kiiza’s detention, she felt compelled to take action, swiftly organizing efforts for his release and even protesting against the court martial’s ruling in the streets.
“Atuhaire has always voiced her concerns about various injustices, but typically from the comfort of her office or social media. She rarely goes to the streets. So what has changed?” the source questioned.
Kigozi David, a human rights activist with Action for Fundamental Change and Development (AFFCAD) in Kampala, noted that Atuhaire had previously been involved with Anthony Nasif. However, about a year ago, they experienced some misunderstandings, which they attempted to resolve but Atuhaire was also involved with Kizza.
“I learned from Nasif that Atuhaire was involved with Kigozi; he was the one warming her bed and keeping her company at night,” Kigozi stated.
He noted that it was no surprise that she acted swiftly, even invoking the Uganda Law Society’s name in her efforts to advocate on his behalf.
“Those who know Atuhaire well understand that she loves deeply and without reservations. Unfortunately, she doesn’t love herself enough to remain committed to one partner,” Kigozi added.
Atuhaire took to her X handle to rally Ugandans to join her fight against what she called a “Kangaroo Court,” opposing the nine-month sentence imposed on Kiiza. However, her call was largely ignored by many, leaving her with only a handful of supporters on the streets.
Nasif, her former partner, claimed that he did everything he could for Atuhaire, from supporting her five children from previous relationships to providing her with financial assistance.
However, he realized that she could not be satisfied with one man or the support he offered, as she chose to quickly replace him with Eron Kiiza.