NUP: A Conglomerate of Opportunism, Gullibleness, Hooliganism, and Deception


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The National Unity Platform (NUP) disintegration speed has left many political enthusiasts disappointed, having gotten prior excitement that the new party was on track to change the political dynamics in Uganda and possibly cause regime change.

However, those of us who were keen enough knew that there was no way this conglomerate was going to last, given the fact that each sect in the mix has its’ own conflicting agenda.

As I courteously highlight the different factions that form this political grouping, it gets clearer that there is no way this party is going to last any longer before it self-destructs.

The Opportunists

The likes of Mathias Mpuuga, Medard Ssegona, Alan Ssewanya, and Betty Nambooze fall under this category. Opportunism is their character, as they have been roaming from one political grouping to another, trading their allegiance to more than four political parties or pressure groups in the quest for opportunities to further their political careers without even believing the agendas of the parties they join.

However, they have now come out to confess that they do not believe in NUP’s values, nor do they believe in the party leadership, despite having previously pretended to do so in order for the party to help them win parliamentary seats until a recent fallout exposed their true colors.

The Gullible

Most of the NUP supporters fall into this category. They enjoy being lied to since it gives them false hope to ride on. Every day, their party president, Robert Kyagulanyi, tells them how he is ousting Museveni the next day, but their gullibility doesn’t allow them to question him when he comes short.

They have no idea how a country is run, nor do they know about any policies; all they know is “Bobi tasobya.” They’re not any different from their party president, who mumbled when he was asked about fiscal policy; except for him, he belongs in the deceptive category.

The Deceptive

These are the owners of the party. They include Robert Kyagulanyi and a select few who are close to him and his family, the likes of David Rubongoya and Joel Ssenyonyi. It is a clique of money-making liars taking advantage of the gullible to make a killing.

They know they don’t have the capacity or capability to cause regime change, let alone run a country. However, they’re aware of the opportunity at hand for them to make money, and they are maximally exploiting it. Siphoning every cent in their reach from as near as their party members and the government to as far as the LGBTQ community in the West.

The Hooligans

The ‘goons’ is what people call them; the foot soldiers are what they call themselves. Depending on what people call them, it’s crystal clear that all they know is violence, so their contribution to the party is abusing opponents online and participating in riots. On a part-time basis, they escort their party leaders while robbing bystanders under the guise of creating a way for their bosses’ entourage.

These sects exhaust the composition of the NUP, but what cannot go without saying is the party’s financial muscle, which is mostly comprised of the deviants from the West. Since they self-confess that they are not straight, it is not surprising that they fund confused conglomerates to push their agenda in Uganda.

With one faction looking for money and the others seeking political positions and solace, it is inevitable for such a merger to meet its dissolution in the near future.

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