Pastor’s Family of Nine Poisoned in Gomba, One Child Dead: Police Investigations Underway


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Police in Gomba district are investigating an incident that happened in Buzimba village in Kyegonza Sub County on June 23, 2024, where a family of nine fell victim to a poisoning attack. This resulted in the tragic death of a 3-year-old child, Jesper Otafire, and leaving eight others in critical condition.

The family belongs to Salongo Lawerence Mukalazi, a pastor at the Five Fold Ministry Church in Mawukyi village, Kabulasoke, Gomba district.

Reports indicate that the poison was laced with the meat sauce that Mukalazi’s wife had been cooking in an outdoor kitchen while the family gathered inside their home.

Soon after consuming the tainted meal, distressing symptoms plagued the family, including severe stomach issues, vomiting, chest pains, and overall weakness. The swift deterioration in their health prompted their admission to a nearby private hospital in Kanoni town. Sadly, young Otafire succumbed to the toxic effects of the poison.

“Once we were admitted, examinations were done by the doctors, and they revealed that the meat we ate was poisoned, and it is what killed Otafiire, my grandchild,” Mukalazi shared.

Twaha Kasirye, the Greater Masaka Regional police spokesperson, provided updates on the situation indicating that eight family members remain hospitalized, battling the effects of the poisoning. Among those receiving medical care are Mukalazi, his wife Nalongo Kizza Deziranta, and several other relatives. Kasirye noted the varying conditions of the affected individuals, with some showing signs of improvement.

“The people who are still in the hospital include Mukalazi, his wife, and their other relatives; however, the conditions of some individuals have improved,” Kasirye revealed.

After their investigation, the Police will release a detailed statement regarding the incident, providing more clarity on this tragic event.

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