Tag: Resident City Commissioners (RCCs)


Security is the Bedrock of Development—Col Katabazi to Teso RDCs, DISOs 

Colonel Emmy Katabazi, the Deputy Director General of the Internal Security Organization (ISO), has told the Resident City Commissioners (RCCs), Resident District Commissioners (RDCs),...

Col Katabazi Retools Elgon Region RDCs, DISOs on Security, Monitoring Gov’t Programs

The Deputy Director General of the Internal Security Organization (ISO), Colonel Emmy Katabazi, has equipped the Resident City Commissioners (RCCs), Resident District Commissioners (RDCs),...

Prof. Nangoli Guides Elgon Sub-Region RDCs, DISOs on M&E of Gov’t Programs

Professor Suudi Nangoli, a senior lecturer at Makerere University Business School (MUBS) and a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) researcher, has guided the Resident City...

Minister Babalanda Urges RDCs to Use Media in Sensitizing Masses on Government Programs

The Minister for Presidency, Milly Babirye Babalanda, has advised the Resident District Commissioners (RDCs), Resident City Commissioners (RCCs), and their deputies in the West...

Speaker Among Questions Appointment Process for Assistant RDCs

The Speaker of the Parliament, Anita Annet Among, has raised concerns regarding the criteria used to select and appoint the recent Assistant Resident District...