Police Officer Detained After Shooting in Kole District, Investigation Underway


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The territorial police in Kole District are holding and investigating PPC Mugisa Eliot aged 24, a police officer attached to Alemi Police Post in Kole District on allegations of shooting dead one Obura Daniel aged 28 from Bala Town Council.

According to a statement released on February 26, 2024, SP PJ Okema the Public Relations Officer for the North Kyoga Region Police stated that the incident occurred on February 26, 2024, at around 1:44 pm.

“It’s alleged that on 26th Feb 2024 at around 12:44, D/CPL Katongole Mathias, PC Mama Emmanuel, and PPC Mugisa Eliot booked out from Alemi police post to effect the arrest of a suspect identified as Angole Daniel Abii on a case of assault registered at Alemi police post,” he stated.

SP Okema said that the intelligence report indicates that the suspect was amongst the people who were moving with the cows to Agege village, Bala Sub-County in Kole District to pay dowry.

“The team was later intercepted on the way however in the process of handcuffing the suspect by one police officer, the deceased resisted the arrest and held him badly with intentions to disarm him, immediately PPC Mugisa Eliot cocked his gun,” he added.

Additionally, the deceased again left the other police officer and confronted PPC Mugisa Eliot with a stick and grabbed him and in the process of struggling, a bullet went off and hit the deceased who died on the spot.

He stated that a DEF vibe 001/2024 has been registered at Kole CPS to investigate the circumstances under which PPC Mugisa Eliot released the bullet that killed Obura Daniel Abii.

The crime scene was visited, examined, and documented by the District SOCO together with a team of detectives from CPS Kole and statements were recorded from relevant witnesses.

The officer who allegedly shot the deceased was arrested and detained at Kole CPS, meanwhile, the suspect of the assault case Angole Daniel Abii was also arrested and detained at Kole CPS.

The deceased body was pick and conveyed to Lira Regional Referral Hospital’s mortuary pending postmortem.

Police call upon members of the public to respect the police officers while on duty and restrain themselves from intentions to attack.

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