Police Hunt for Man Who Assaulted, Murdered a 13-Year-old


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Police in Kanungu is hunting for Turyasingura Joshua for assaulting, torturing and murdering a 13 year old girl.

According to Fred Enanga, Turyasingura who is on the run is wanted for aggravated defilement and murder, offences that he committed the crime on January 6, 2024.

“The facts that we gathered indicate that the Victim, Kakuru Constance a 13 year old pupil at Kashesha Primary school and a resident of Rukarara Village, Kihembe sub county while in the company of her twin sister Kato Vastine and two other young boys James and Nturi had gone to the same cell to pick a piglet at around 7pm,” Enanga said.

Enanga said that it was on their way that they met Turyasingura around Ntararwe hill, who asked them to go and buy for him local booze.

“The innocent girl also stayed behind waiting for the money to buy the booze, the twin sister tried to call her for them to go back but the victim refused to go because she was intimidated by the suspect, so they left her behind,” Enanga added.

He said that when the twin sister informed the mother of the victim, she waited for her to return instead of reporting the matter to the police adding that unfortunately by the following morning the victim had not returned.

According to Enanga it was then that a search was conducted and the body of the victim was recovered in the banana plantation at around 9:00 am.

He added that the body was facing up and the thigh areas were naked meaning that she was sexually assaulted, tortured and strangled to death.

Investigations into the matter are currently under way as the Police continue to hunt for the victim.

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