Following the mysterious disappearance of Twinomujuni Prossy, the territorial police at Entebbe arrested Nkurunzinza Laurent who has led them to her remains.
According to Kampala Metropolitan Deputy Spokesperson ASP Luke Oweyesigire, the suspect Nkurunzinza alias Mulaalo is a 38year old casual laborer and resident of Bukola village, Nkumba Parish in Katabi Town Council Wakiso District.
A statement released by the Kampala Metropolitan Police states that, following interrogation, the suspect led detectives to where the body of the deceased was buried.
“Yesterday June 23, 2022, he (Nkurunzinza) led Flying Squad Unit operatives and detectives to his work place in Bukolwa village, Nkumba Parish, Katabi Town Council in Wakiso District where the body was buried”, the statement read.
The suspect buried the victim in the piggery farm and the decomposing body of Twinomujuni Prossy was found in a white polythene bag.
Nkurunzinza also led the police to the farm house where a hammer suspected to have been used in the murder was recovered.
The hoe, which was used to dig the grave, was also recovered and it has been exhibited.
The body of the deceased was taken to the city mortuary at Mulago for a post mortem.
Currently the suspect has been detained at Nateete Police Station as investigations continue.
According to Police, the motive of the murder will be communicated during the course of the investigation.
Twinomujuni, a resident of Kawafu cell Nkumba Parish in Katabi Town Council Wakiso district was reported missing by her husband on 7th December 2021.
The people of Bukolwa village have been advised to be vigilant and to always report such incidents to the concerned authorities whenever they happen.