NUP Gen. Secretary Rubongoya’s quick self-defense about the Bomb attack smells a rat  


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I woke up to read the highlights about the recent bomb attacks that have become an issue of insecurity in our country. Different people have diversionary ideas but a thing that caught my curiosity was the headline published on Nile Post which read “NUP fears recent bomb attacks could be pinned on their members”

This was utter shock, it makes me believe that they know or have an idea of who is behind the attacks and are only trying to pre empty and mislead police investigations. I guess this is a bait to start portraying themselves as victims. It is in my opinion a dense approach.

The secretary general of NUP Mr. Rubongoya while addressing journalists in Kamwokya on 25th October 2021 claimed that they had information that police was trying to pin them to the bomb attacks.

What beats my understanding is that he did this after watching a viral interview by BBS TV of an eye witness who claimed to have seen people in People Power T-shirts. My thinking would be, why Rubongoya shouldn’t actually help police to find the eye witness suspects so that if they are not NUP members, the world can know.  Why does he act in panic and quick fear? There is no smoke without fire. This kind of self-mortification smells a rat and raises eye brows.

Recently, we watched a video of Lumbuye Fred Kajjubi a popular Nup blogger teaching his followers how to make petrol bombs that can be thrown at the government officials houses and police cars. He went further and encouraged a genocide like attack on some tribes by giving details of some families and their location. When he was arrested, NUP carried a huge fundraising campaign to free Lumbuye.  They however did not question his terror teachings to Ugandans. Who knows, that these are not the people that took Lumbuye’s tutorial of how to make a petrol Bomb serious and are now testing their bombs on innocent Ugandans. I wait to listen to Rubongoya’s response about this!

On Sunday I received a call from my longtime friend who had

Survived a bomb explosion at Komambogo and was nursing minor injuries of the blast. To him, the same idea that the government is trying to frame opposition parties as the actors behind this bombing was running through his thoughts.  But look, in a country whose organs of government are functioning. It’s yet another burden to the government to bring to book the criminals. So it shouldn’t be a time they should be left to investigate and bring the perpetrators to book, and if need be the public should help out the police in carrying out the investigations so that the truth can be unveiled.

It is in times like these that the highest corporation is required between security agencies and the common people so as to maintain law and order rather than spreading information which is harmful and unnecessary for consumption.


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