Ministry of Health Expedites Medical Internship Process for 2024–2025 Cohort


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The Ministry of Health has announced the process of admitting medical interns into the internship training programme for cohort 2024/2025 to expedite the internship process starting on August 1, 2024.

According to Dr. Henry G. Mwebesa, the Director General of the Health Services at the Ministry of Health, all aspiring medical interns are requested to apply for temporary registration by July 5, 2024.

“All prospective medical interns are requested to apply for temporary registration to their respective professional councils by the end of July 5, 2024,” Dr. Mwebesa said.

He urged all professional councils and boards to compile the names and submit registered candidates to the Uganda Medical Internship Committee by July 17, 2024.

Mwebesa, however, clarified that applications will not be received at the Ministry of Health headquarters.

The Ministry of Health is tasked with assigning medical interns to available training facilities based on those facilities’ capacity and trainer availability.

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