Explorer Uganda

Local Officials Call for Increased Security in Sembabule District After Machete Murder

Nsubuga Namutegere, the LC V Chairperson of Mateete Sub County, has called upon police in Sembabule to tighten security in Mateete due to the increasing cases of machete deaths in Sembabule district.

Namutegere made these remarks on June 25, 2024, in an interview with the media after a 70-year-old woman and her daughter were attacked by unidentified thugs on June 24, 2024, in the night. She was murdered in cold blood, but her daughter escaped with injuries to her head.

This incident happened in Nakagongo village in Mateete Sub County in Sembabule district, and the deceased has been identified as Magdalen Bafakulela, aged 70, a resident of Nakagongo village.

Hanifa Mirembe, the daughter of the deceased, revealed that she was in the bedroom when she had a scuffle in the sitting room, which prompted her to go check what was happening, but to her dismay, she found these criminals with machetes hitting her mother.

Mirembe added that when these criminals saw her, they started hitting her with a hammer on the head, but fortunately she was able to escape and scream for help from the neighbors. Fortunately, the locals came to her aid, but when they reached her house, her mother was already dead, gruesomely murdered.

’’It is so sad that my three-day visit to my mother was like a final goodbye, one of the ugliest and darkest days of my life that I will never forget,’’ Mirembe painfully disclosed.

She added that these criminals might have snuck into their house when they were outside since it was dark at night, waited for them to come in, and later attacked them because they thought that her mother had money since she had recently sold off some of her coffee.

The LCV further called upon the police in Sembabule to investigate this matter and catch the culprits because such incidents have been happening in Mateete sub-county but no report or criminals have ever been brought to light, which is so worrying and a threat to their lives.

’’We need police to investigate this case thoroughly well because it might be the same gang of thugs doing these heinous acts because they are recurring incidents,’’ Namutegere revealed.


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