FDC Facing Mass Exodus Over Dirty Money Deals & Besigye’s Support for Homosexuality


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The Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) party at Najjanakumbi is faced with a further split as its key members are not happy with Dr. Besgiye and his family’s stand on same-sex relationships and marriages.

A source within the party revealed that their party, which is trading on thin ice due to previous tensions over unresolved differences that saw Mugisha Muntu and some members exit, is yet again facing a big exodus. According to the source, FDC is on more shaky ground following Dr. Besigye and his family’s support for homosexuality, an immoral act Ugandans are vehemently trying to fight against.

“Although Besigye left the party, he still plays a big role in it. After all, he is the founder, and his word still carries a lot of weight in party matters. He still has a strong say and following, which he is using to try and sway members into following his gay agenda,” the source stated.

Besigye opposed the reintroduction of the Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Bill into the 9th Parliament of Uganda, whereas his wife, Winnie Byanyima, has attacked the Ugandan Parliament for re-tabling the bill in parliament.

“Shame on the Ugandan Parliament for denying vulnerable people rights in order to gain some popularity,” said Byanyima.

A source at the party headquarters revealed that when Dr. Besigye was asked to denounce and reject homosexuality, he remained quiet because he and his wife were highly funded by homosexual communities.

“Besigye is faced with a challenge; he cannot denounce it given the fact that his son is gay and he and his wife have received a lot of funds from the gay communities. He cannot denounce the vice. This has forced most of us to walk out of the party; we can’t be around people who support immorality,” said the source.

Although some members are against embracing homosexuality, a few others have expressed their support for Besigye, which has led to a split in the party and many threatening a mass exodus.

According to Simon Kaggwa Njala, a journalist with Next Media Group, another mass defection is most likely than not going to happen at the party.

“Simmering tensions in the Najjanakumbi camp, dirty money and egos at play. Another splinter group or mass defection is highly likely,” tweeted Kaggwa Njala.

According to sources, the ‘dirty money’ that Kaggwa Njala refers to is funds got from gay funders that was given to Besigye to help convince FDC party members to fight the anti-homosexuality bill.

“Money exchanged hands between Dr. Besigye and funders, but party members didn’t receive any. It was a lot of money that he kept for himself and his wife. This has not sat well with some members who were waiting on these monies,” a source confirmed.

However, FDC Party President Amuriat stated that as a party and God-loving citizens, they cannot support or allow the FDC to be behind the spread of homosexuality in Uganda.

“No one has the right to impose homosexuality on us; as individuals, they are free to do as they believe, but as FDC, we won’t allow it,” said Amuriat.

Amuriat vowed to stand by the government and parliament of Uganda on these matters.

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