Breakfast training on the role of journalists in promoting personal security by Security Minister Gen.Elly Tumwiine.
Abridged statement by the Honorable General Elly Tumwiine.
First and foremost, Security begins with you & me.
Knowledge is important; we are what we know, we become what we see and hear, but understanding and what we do about what we know is more important.
Anything that causes a delay in movement is a risk.
Other people’s security is part of an individual’s security.
Failure to share security knowledge with others leads to self destruction.
Other key words in personal security and our day to day lives.
-Sharing, communication and Dialogue
-Vigilance, activeness, Quick & Response.
Gen Elly Tumwine: The most important words in Security.
We are what we know, we become what we see, hear, experience but most importantly what we do about it.
Security is about organisation, coordination and inclusion. You must include everyone around you in your security plan.
I also call upon you to share, communicate and dialogue about your security with the security bodies, your family and friends.