BUSTED! Top NUP Fake Torture Victims for Hire Named


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On Wednesday 23rd was another drama day in Kampala when a group of National Unity Platform protesters who were masquerading to be lame forgot about their “disability” and run away from the law enforcers.

The protesters had set out towards Deputy Speaker Anita Among’s Kololo residence in a bid to protest the deputy speaker’s remarks on the embattled MP Francis Zaake yet they claimed that he was allegedly tortured.

The protests were however intercepted by deputy speaker’s security detail and reasoned that the so called “lame protesters” take their grievances to the Deputy Speaker’s official work station to her home.

In a rebellious effort by the protesters to advance forward, the Police seized one of the protesters by his crutches thus prompting the protester to throw them away before dashing at top speed for his life and in minutes they all disappeared in the thin air like evil spirits.

However, this is not the first time the National Unity Platform members and leaders are being caught in fake torture scandals.

Bobi Wine

Bobi Wine used torture claims in 2018 to travel to US to meet funders ahead the presidential elections

In 2018, the wife of NUP leader Barbra Itungo claimed that her husband’s Kidney had been damaged, had head, chest injuries and bone fractures after arrest in Arua district.

Some fake news” generators, especially the Monitor and their TV, the NTV, had been putting it out that Bobi Wine, was gravely ill and could not talk.

It turned out that Bobi Wine wanted to get a visa to the US to meet his funders. While in the US, Bobi Wine who was expected to be in the ICU or maybe under dialysis met with US Congressman Brad Sharman and other US local politicians.

While meeting the foreign media, the only evidence of torture he showed them was blisters on the palm of his hand.

Since then`, the talk of injured kidney has withered and Kyagulanyi has never gone back to hospital for treatment or medical review.

Francis Zaake

Francis Zaake a fake lame/torture victim flying in air in Arusha Tanzania.

The Mityana municipality MP Francis Zaake Butebi last year shocked the nation after he ran like a man “who has been faking torture and injuries for political scores.”

Zaake showed that the huge mass of flesh on his body and all else was nothing as he outpaced fellow lawmakers to win the 100m sprint at the 2021 East African Parliamentary Games in Arusha, Tanzania.

This a man who has been claiming torture and whatnot everyone wondered how security is able to arrest a man who runs like a cheetah.

A victim of torture would not have the fortitude to run like that unless he was running way from more torture.

Joel Ssenyonyi

The Nakawa West Member of Parliament also last near claimed he had been tortured by police and allegedly sustained injuries while at Kyambongo nomination grounds.

This was after him and other NUP members tried to block and resist Police’s attempt to arrest NUP President Hon Robert Kyagulanyi a.k.a Bobi Wine.

Apart from torn trousers, Ssenyonyi has never presented medical documents to prove his claims.

Sky Solijah

Sky Solijah and fellow fake lame torture victims for hire.

Another notorious NUP fake torture victim is a one who also goes by the name sky solijah on Twitter. He is an online propagandist who has involved in running battles with security for a very long time. He was among that fake lame torture victims who disappeared like evil spirits on Wednesday at the home of deputy speaker abandoning his scratches.

Ronald Ssegawa

National Unity Platform had a photo shoot with one Ronald Ssegawa and claimed that he was abducted by security agencies and later dropped at Mulago national referral hospital with torture wounds.

Segawa had random body injuries including an open fractured wound on the hand.

It later turned out that Ssegawa had been beaten up by the mob in Kansanga where it is alleged that he was involved in phone and bag snatching from women while riding on a boda boda together with one suspect.

The victim had sounded an alarm which attracted residents in the vicinity who descended on the duo with stones, blows and kicks. Some angry boda boda riders used pliers on their fingers accusing the two of soiling their trade. This incident was reported at Kabalagala on reference; SD/12/29/0121 at Kabalagala Police Division.


A one Samuel Masereka also appeared at the National Unity Platform headquarters in Kamwokya claiming that he was allegedly tortured while in the military detention.

Masekera had been arrested for investigation over close links to the Allied Democratic Forces terrorists in the Eastern DRC. He had also threatened to harm senior security officers in the area.

However, other suspects Hamza Tembo and Basogho Lazarus who were arrested alongside him revealed that by the time they were arrested, Masereka had a deep wound on his feet and he did not get it from the detention in Mbuya.

Since then, Maseraka has disappeared from the camera probably after his allegations failed to hold water.

A source at the Kamwokya based NUP headquarters told this website that they sponsored to drive the torture narrative to attract foreign sympathy and money.

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