Explorer Uganda

WE ARE NOT CHILDREN: Arch Bishop Dr. Stephen Kaziimba to Welby Archbishop Canterbury

Kazimba mugalu

The Archbishop of Uganda, Dr. Stephen Kaziimba, tells the Archbishop of Canterbury to stop ordering the Church of Uganda around as though they were their children. This was after Welby asked him to withdraw his support for the Anti-Homosexuality law, which was signed into law in May by the President.

Bishop Kaziimba announced in May, after the passing of the act, that he was grateful for the passing of the act, which criminalizes the promotion of homosexuality.

“Our support has been made very clear by our earlier statement, so it does not require repeating. Archbishop Welby is very right to form his own opinions like he has, but the Church of Uganda‘s widely held support for the Anti-Homosexuality Act 2023 will not be shaken. The Bible is clear, (Genesis 2:21–22): God created man (Adam) and woman (Eve) as a man’s helper, not man for man, and woman for woman. In fact, we are praying for the head of the world communion and the Church of England to repent for their continued support of homosexuality.” Kaziimba said

President Museveni clarified in June that the new legislation does not target people identifying as LGBTQ but rather people engaged in homosexuality and same-sex promoters.

However, Archbishop Welby and many other western leaders think that the Anti-Homosexuality Law criminalizes homosexuality; they have gone so far as to appeal to the Church of Uganda to withdraw its support and urged Kaziimba to reconsider his support.

“I have written to my brother in Christ, the Primate of Uganda, Arch Bishop Stephen Kaziimba , to express my grief and dismay at the Church of Uganda’s support for the Anti-Homosexuality Act. I make this public statement with sorrow and continue praying for a reconciliation between our churches.” Wrote Welby

However, according to the National Broadcasting Company, an English American news network, about 240 anti-LGBTQ bills were filed in the US between 2018 to date, with the number skyrocketing from 18 to 238 in less than 3 years. All recorded to limit the rights of LGBTQ people.

“Bills specifically targeting LGBTQ have skyrocketed, since 2018, with three states weighing down on measures that restrict their issues in school curriculums, permit religious people to wed same-sex persons, and limit transgender people from participating in spots,” reports NBC.

One wonders why the US is imposing homosexuality on Ugandans and threatening sanctions, yet in some states in the US it is not welcomed.

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