Explorer Uganda

Uganda’s Population Has Grown from 34.6 Million in 2014 to 45.9 Million in 2024—Mukiza

Uganda’s population has increased from 34.6 million in 2014 to 45.9 million, indicating an increase of 11.3 million over the last 10 years, according to Chris Mukiza, the Uganda Bureau of Statistics Executive Director (UBOS).

Mukiza made the remarks on Thursday, June 27, 2024, during the dissemination of the National Population and Housing Census 2024 preliminary results at the Serena Hotel, Kampala.

This rapid population growth is said to have been driven by factors like high fertility rates, declining mortality, and rural-to-urban migration in Uganda.

According to the UBOS boss, the process had 135,230 field workers, 14,669 enumeration supervisors, and 4715 sub-county/division supervisors with 5 sets of questionnaires: household, institution, accommodation, floating, and community questionnaires.

During the dissemination, Mukiza identified and awarded Lubega Lawrence from Kilibwanda County, Buyende District, for his heroic act of swimming to count at a house that was cut off by floods.

Lubega was given a position as a permanent enumerator in hard-to-reach areas.

With the Ugandan population growing to over 10 million in 10 years, experts forecast it to continuously increase between 2024 and 2029 by a total of 9.1 million people (+19.42 percent).

The event was graced by President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, who was the chief guest.

This is the 11th census in Uganda, the 6th post-independence census, and the first digital census that happened from May 10th to May 26th, 2024.

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