Explorer Uganda

Uganda Traffic Police Issue Warning Against Overtaking on Zebra Crossings, Junctions, and Hills

The Uganda Traffic Police directorate has asked motorists to stop overtaking at Zebra crossings, junctions, hill crests ,sharp bends and railway crossings.

Michael Kananura the Spokesperson Directorate of Traffic and Road safety while speaking at the press conference on October 30,2023 at the Police headquarters in Naguru, said that the common causes of road crashes include careless overtaking and over speeding.

“Drivers must not overtake at Zebra crossings, sharp bends, junctions, hill crests, and railway crossings,” Kananura said.

He noted that the directorate will continue cracking down on boda boda riders without reflectors, helmets, among others.

The directorate will continue with Fika Salama activities across the country in a bid to ensure safety on the roads.

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