Explorer Uganda

Uganda Set to Celebrate World Habitat Day, 2nd National Housing Symposium

The Ministry of Lands, Housing, and Urban Development, in partnership with Habitat for Humanity with other key sector partners, will hold the 2nd Uganda Housing Symposium and World Habitant Day celebrations on Thursday, October 5, 2023, at the Mestil Hotel and Residences, Kampala.

The goal of the National Housing Symposium is to provide a sector-wide platform for showcasing innovations that support access to decent, affordable, and inclusive housing while addressing affordability, habitability, and tenure security through a collaborative arrangement with all the stakeholders.

Judith Nabakooba, Minister for Lands, Housing, and Urban Development, said that the government is using the occasion to urge all stakeholders to address the challenges facing affordable housing across all communities in the country.

“All players in the housing and urban development sectors and the general public are urged to reflect on the housing delivery systems and plan better for the coming housing year,” said Nabakooba.

She noted that the day provides countries, communities, and all stakeholders in the housing sector with an opportunity to reflect on the state of human settlement and the basic human right to adequate shelter.

“It is also a reminder to the world of the future of its habitant,” Nabakooba added.

The United Nations General Assembly resolution of December 17, 1985, set aside the first Monday of October each year to be observed worldwide as World Habitant Day. Uganda has pushed its national celebrations to Thursday, October 5, 2023, to allow partners to fully participate.

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