Explorer Uganda

Tension as NUP’s Splinter Group Set to Unveil Leaders, Key Members

Tension has hit the opposition National Unity Platform party as the People Power Front (PPF), a splinter group, plots to unveil its leadership.

The event dubbed “One Million People Assembly” being organized by the PPF, a splinter group from the opposition NUP, is set to take place on November 23, 2024, at Kololo Independent grounds.

Spartan Mukagyi, one of the founders of the original People Power Movement and the chief promoter of PPF, revealed that they are determined to restore the movement’s initial momentum through what they termed the “People Power Reunion.”.

Sources at Kavule revealed that the development has sparked tension within the top leadership of the NUP for fear that disgruntled party members are likely to join the new party.

Key figures expected to be unveiled as members of PPF include MPs Mathias Mpuuga Nsamba, Dr. Abed Bwanika, Joyce Bagala, Ntwatwa, Juliet Kakande, Hilary Kiyaga, and Medard Ssegona, among others.

According to the source, the splinter group is also set to unveil LOP Mpuuga as their 2026 presidential flag bearer at the same event.

Several members of the DP Bloc, like MPs Lubega Mukaaku and Michel Mabikke, are also expected to join the PPF.

Reports also indicate that some party members are likely to join the group for fear of reports that NUP might be dissolved by courts of law for violating the Political Parties and Organisations Act when it failed to file accountability and issues connected to the forgery of the party constitution.

It is also alleged that NUP Secretary-General Lewis Rubongoya is behind the unveiling of the New Political Party PPF. Rubongoya is alleged to be an NRM mole in the opposition.

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