Explorer Uganda

Speculation of a Coup in Congo Brazzaville Dismissed

The Congo-Brazzaville government has come out and rubbished all the news going around saying there has been a coup in the country.
This comes at a time when President Denis Nguesso is currently in New York for the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly.

Social media was flooded with reports of the Congolese military grabbing key buildings in the capital city of Brazzaville on September 17, 2023

However, Information Minister Thierry Moungalla posted on Sunday denying the fake news and calling people to go about their business normally.

The government’s website also posted a statement denying the coup attempt reports.

The Congolese leader is the third-longest serving president in Africa, who has been in power for 39 years after Equatoguinean Teodoro Obiang and Cameroonian Paul Biya.

Six countries in West and Central Africa have had coups in the last few years, with Gabon and Niger being the most recent.

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