Explorer Uganda

Soursop, A fruit With Exclusive Health Benefits

Soursop fruit, also known as Graviola, is a tropical fruit that has been revered for centuries for its medicinal properties and health benefits.

To many researchers, soursop fruit is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.

Soursop has been linked to several health advantages, including cancer prevention and treatment, anti-diabetic properties, immune system support, anti-anxiety and sedative effects, digestive health, and gut wellness.

According to Dr. Richard Mugambe, a leading oncologist in Uganda, soursop is one of the referred fruits to cancer patients.

“Soursop’s anti-cancer properties make it an essential addition to our patients’ treatment plans. Its ability to selectively target cancer cells while leaving healthy cells intact is a game-changer in the fight against cancer.” Mugambe said.

Dr. Jane Nambatya, a nutritionist in Kampala, Uganda, says that Soursop is not just good for cancer treatment but also helps in managing other chronic diseases.

“Soursop is a powerhouse of nutrients, and its anti-inflammatory properties make it an excellent fruit for managing chronic diseases like diabetes and hypertension. I highly recommend incorporating soursop into your diet for overall well-being.” Nambatya said.

The fruit can be squeezed to make soursop juice, or one can also use the soursop tree leaves and boil them and take them in a few quantities once in a while.

However, doctors also warn that it should be taken in moderate quantities; otherwise, when overconsumed, it could lead to hypertension or even weight gain.

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