Explorer Uganda

Protect Your Children From Predators This Holiday

Last week, some school going children started to go back home for holidays. The remaining ones are expected to go this week. Much as the school holiday is a joyous time, it’s also a time where parents, guardians, caretakers, local leaders need to be extra-cautious about the safety of children in their homes, in the neighborhood, as they go traveling and visiting etc.

Therefore, as the holidays begin, it’s important to remember, that protecting children is a priority. Here are some of the holiday tips to help parents, guardians and concerned citizens.

Additionally, abuse can happen at the hands of another child, so be alert to relationships and activities between children.

Remember your child depends on you to keep them safe.  If something is not right, ask questions, check-back and follow-up.  You owe it to your child, to pay attention and take action, if you feel or know something is not right.

Alone-time between your child and another adult should be limited, if possible.  Try to look for opportunities where that time is interruptible and observable, drop home unannounced, and interview your children when you return home.  About 80% of sexual abuse occurs in one adult-one child situations. Therefore, eliminate or minimize the situations, to help protect your child. One-on-one time between children can also provide an opportunity for inappropriate behaviors.  At least 30% of all child sexual abuse cases are by a child, instead of an adult.  Its therefore, important to monitor these situations well.

The key is early and ongoing communication, a two-way communication, where your child feels like they can come to you and ask questions.  Parents must ensure the environment and the relationship is conducive to this happening.

Establish the “check first” rule with older children; before going anywhere to play, visit, shop etc. predators are known to look for unsupervised children.

As the Joint Security Agencies, we wish your child and your entire family, a safe and happy school holiday.



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