Explorer Uganda

President Museveni addresses Sustainable Blue Economy conference

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H.E President Y.K. Museveni today addressed the Sustainable Blue Economy Conference in Nairobi, Kenya, where he highlighted the importance of water bodies and announced a raft of measures Uganda is undertaking to ensure sustainable use of this resource.

They include crackdown on unregulated fishing an endeavor being pursued vigorously by the UPDF on lake Victoria, pushing for electronic registration of water vessels something that would help avert a disaster like the one that befell Uganda party goes on an unregistered boat, protecting vegetation around water bodies including fighting of water hyacinth and protection of swamps that act as water catchment areas for the lakes, discouraging cultivation on hills with a gradient of 30 degrees or more (to check landslides that are now common place in eastern Uganda and have cost many lives) among others.

The Sustainable Blue Economy Conference is the first global conference on the sustainable blue economy. Over 4,000 participants from around the world are coming together to learn how to build a blue economy that:


The Sustainable Blue Economy Conference (SBEC) is the next great opportunity to re-energize the world around the potential of the Blue Economy.


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