Explorer Uganda

Police Cracks Down on Gang Terrorizing Kiseka Market

D/PRO of Police ACP Nabakka S. Claire during a Press Briefing at the Police Headquarters in Naguru

The police have finally brought to book the members of the BANZEGE gang which has been terrorizing people operating in Kiseka Market.

According to D/PRO of Police ACP Nabakka S. Claire, the gang members who have been in hiding for several months after the police launched a manhunt on gangs in the city were finally arrested and charged to court on counts of Aggravated Robbery.

“This BANZEGE group has for long terrorized innocent unsuspecting people from Kiseka market. It was established that this group is led by one Mpalanyi Ismael alias Atilibo alias Biba, Kiyimba Ronald alias Kasekende, Waswa Moses alias Mudinka, Sembogo Ronald and Bagalana Godfrey,” said ACP Nabakka.

The police started their investigation after a one Justus Byarugaba was allegedly robbed by the gang on 12th June when he took his car for repair after it had a mechanical breakdown. Unfortunately, he was beaten by the gang and his car was dismantled after which over 10 million shillings was demanded from the victim.

However, the police through intelligence led operations have managed to arrest and bring to book the gang’s notorious leaders. On 5th July, Waswa Moses alias Mundika was arrested and brought to court 15th November 2022. On 22nd December, Kiyimba Ronald alias kasekende and their notorious leader Mpalanyi ismael alias Atilibo alias Biba alongside Bagalana Godfrey and Sembogo Ronald were all apprehended and are still in custody pending trial.

“The three are still in custody pending court on charges of Aggravated Robbery. They have been charged and will appear before court on charges of Aggravated Robbery c/s 285/286 of the PCA,” said ACP Nabakka.

Police have also noted that however much these have been terrorizing the public, they have received very few reports from such incidences.

Police therefore continue to encourage the general public to continue with vigilance and help police cub down such gangs in the city.


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