Explorer Uganda

Police Arrests over 100 Suspected Robbers Around KMP

SCP Enanga

 Police Spokesperson SCP Fred Enanga said that a team of joint security forces has arrested 102 suspected criminals from dark spots along the northern bypass, clock tower, Masanafu, among other areas.

The police report that the operations were concentrated mainly around the Kampala metropolitan area following heightened attacks on members of the public at various dark spots.

“Kiwatule, Kyebando, and Bukoto flyover operations were conducted and carried out by the Kira road police station officers that led to the arrest of five criminals who were part of the group way-laying pedestrians, especially women removing bags from them. We even recovered two kilograms of marijuana and two motorcycles,” said Enanga.

At Namugoona, Kawaala, and Bwaise, operations were carried out by the Kampala Metropolitan North, where they managed to arrest 34 suspected hard-core criminals who were profiled and taken to court.

Enanga claimed that they were successful in demolishing some improvised structures made of mattresses underneath the flyover that the criminals are believed to have used.

“The other operations were carried out around the areas of Bwaise one and two, where 28 hard-core criminals were arrested with suspected property, and at the clock tower, they were able to arrest 32 people who were involved in the snatching of bags and other property from pedestrians,” said Enanga.

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