Explorer Uganda

Miss Uganda beats her Predecessor’s at world beauty competition.

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Miss world pageant currently taking place in Sanya China has attracted the attention of the world but uniquely, Ugandans.

What is more thrilling is that Miss Uganda Abenakyo Quinn is currently doing well compared to her predecessors (Miss Uganda)  at the pageant.

The beauty queen is one of the highest contenders of the world prestigious crown and proved her worth not only in looks but also intellectually.

The display of confidence has driven most Ugandans to rally votes for Quinn with the hopes of winning the Miss World beauty pageant. This is the first time for Miss Uganda to make it to the first 30 contestants of the Crown.

Ugandans on Social media are vigorously engaging in a campaign to amass votes for Miss Uganda to win Miss World. “Who knows, this trophy could come home,” said one of the Miss Uganda former contesters who refused to disclose her identity.

This Story is still unfolding, more updates to follow…


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