Explorer Uganda

HYPOCRISY: Will Opposition MPs Boycott Parliament’s Sitting in the Central Region?

A section of the opposition legislators headed by the Leader of the Opposition in Parliament, Joel Ssenyonyi, have boycotted the regional parliament sittings that kicked off in Gulu on August 28.

Although the Leader of the Opposition ordered other opposition MPs not to participate, some lawmakers have ignored the order and have attended the Gulu sitting.

Some sources have said that the reason LOP Ssenyonyi made such an order is because NUP has no single legislator from the Northern region.

It should be noted that all the MPs on the NUP party ticket come from Buganda and Busoga regions, except MP John Baptist Nambeshe, who represents Manjiya County in Buduuda.

The fact that the regional sittings attract the locals to participate means Ugandans are waiting to see if these hypocritical, selfish NUP leaders will also boycott the sitting in their Buganda region.

The excuse given for the boycott is that it is a waste of taxpayers’ money, but surprisingly, the same opposition MPs have received money for the same sittings, and none of them has returned it.

Why refuse to return the money then if indeed the boycotters are not attending the sittings? It is a tale of preaching water and drinking wine.

If these same MPs boycott the sittings in their regions, their voters should give them a vote of no confidence and consider them self-seeking hypocrites who were voted to parliament to serve their interests.

If they are indeed fighting to save the taxpayers’ money, then why accept allowances for the sittings they are not attending?

It is time for the voters to understand the hypocrisy of the people they voted for. If they fail to attend the central region sittings, who will table the issues affecting their voters?

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