Explorer Uganda

Col. Nakalema’s Redeployment: What it Means to Investors, Fight Against Corruption

Following the appointment of Col. Edith Nakalema as the Head of the newly created State House Investors’ Protectorate Unit, there are a lot of expectations from the general public, especially the business and investment communities.

One would ask what Nakalema’s appointment and the newly created Anti-Corruption Unit mean to investors, both local and international.

It is obvious and an open secret that Nakalema’s clean record of work has prompted the appointing authority to entrust her with the protection of the investors who had previously suffered because of corrupt government officials.

On Saturday, the incorruptible Col. Nakalema assured Ugandans of service delivery and appealed to everyone to collectively join the fight against corruption in Uganda.

“My heartfelt appreciation goes out to all of you, my dependable friends, for your unwavering love and support. I want to assure you that I’m ready to serve with your collective efforts,” she said.

She also expressed her appreciation to the appointing authority for their unending trust in the fight against corruption in Uganda.

“Feeling incredibly thankful for the outpouring of congratulatory messages upon my appointment I remain grateful for the continued trust of H.E. President YK Museveni,” Col. Nakalema stated.

Col. Nakalema, who’s also President Museveni’s former personal assistant and also a graduate of Shrivenham Defence Academy in London, UK, was appointed in 2018 as the head of the State House Anti-Corruption Unit, a position she held until 2022.

She was later selected among the pioneering eighteen senior UPDF officers who recently graduated from the National Defence College in Njeru Buikwe district.

Colonel Edith Nakalema, is a Ugandan military officer, who graduated in August 2018 from the Higher Command and Staff Course at the Joint Services Command and Staff College, in Watchfield, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, where she had been admitted in 2017

Prior to her arrival at the Uganda State House, Nakalema had worked in the finance department of the Special Forces Command (SFC). She was part of a team that established a working financial and accounting system at the SFC. In 2014, she was appointed to be the personal private secretary (PPS) to the President of Uganda on the recommendation of the SFC. In November 2016, her role was elevated to that of personal assistant to the president, specifically taking charge of the president’s daily itinerary. She was replaced as PPS, by Molly Kamukama, a civilian.

In December 2018, Nakalema was introduced at a public function as a Lieutenant Colonel, who is the head of the State House Anti-Corruption Unit (SH-ACU), based at State House.

In April 2021, the Commander-in-Chief of the UPDF promoted a total of 1,393 military officers. Among those promoted was Edith Nakalema, who was promoted from Lieutenant Colonel to full Colonel.

In January 2022, Nakalema was selected to be part of the pioneer class at the newly established National Defence College,Uganda. She was replaced at SH-ACU by Brigadier Henry Isoke, who previously served as second-in-command at Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence, deputizing Major General Abel Kandiho.

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