Explorer Uganda

BREAKING: Besigye Linked to Destruction of Uganda House in Kenya 

Rtd. Dr. Col. Kizza Besigye has been linked to the devastating fire that gutted Uganda House in Kenya during protests in Nairobi, Kenya, that destroyed property worth billions of shillings. This incident occurred during a protest in Kenya against the financial bill aimed at raising an extra US$2.7 billion through raising taxes on a free range of daily items and services, including fuel, bank transfers, and diapers.

According to a source who preferred anonymity, Besigye, who arrived in Kenya before the start of the protests, held meetings with some youths in his hotel room and paid them to join Kenyan protestors and cause mayhem, which would lead to conflicts between the two countries.

“He employed some of my colleagues to join the protests, with clear instructions that they should do their best to make sure Uganda looks bad in the eyes of Kenyans and the rest of the world,” the source stated.

According to the source, some ideas were exchanged amongst the team to cause mayhem during the protests. Ideas were tossed around, ranging from burning trucks headed for Uganda to extending the protests into Uganda. According to the source, the notion of destroying the Uganda House originated and was adopted.

“Eventually they agreed on burning the Uganda house, where Besigye advised that they should make some fake tweets and send them out to cause more anger among the Kenyans,” sources revealed.

The source states that after the meeting, the fake tweet claimed to have been made by Museveni was Besigye’s idea, and it read “Our neighbors, Kenyans, are picketing in the streets instead of working. The demonstrations are led by a bunch of tik-tokers and members of the LGBTQ community. Do tik-tokers even pay tax??”

The source added that indeed, the tweet angered most Kenyans, who took to social media to voice their dissatisfaction with the sentiments expressed in the fake tweet.

Besigye, following the burning of Ugandan houses in Kenya, quickly took to his X handle, sympathizing with Kenyans and thanking them for valiantly facing guns and other lethal weapons to demand justice and freedom.

“I am in Nairobi, and my heart goes out to all the Kenyans who’ve lost their lives and those injured as they protest against taxes imposed on them. I am proud of all, especially the young Gen Z protesters who are valiantly facing guns and other lethal weapons and demanding justice! Freedom and justice come at a price, which we have to pay—sooner or later,” Besigye tweeted.

However, according to strategically placed sources, Besigye went to Kenya at the time they were protesting in order to influence Ugandans living in Kenya to cause mayhem by spreading propaganda and his defiance agenda to cause conflicts between Uganda and Kenya, as he has sworn to depose Museveni before 2026.

“Besigye’s being in Kenya at the time of the protests is no coincidence; he has been following all the happenings and rushed to Kenya to benefit from the current situation,” the sources added.

The Ugandan Embassy in Kenya has expressed deep concern over the incident, which has caused significant damage to the property and personal belongings of its citizens. Diplomatic efforts are underway to ensure the safety and support of the affected individuals.

Ugandan opposition leaders have long used Kenya and the Kenyan people to try and tarnish the Ugandan government’s image. In November 2022, opposition leaders from Uganda led by Besigye paraded fake torture victims in Kenya to persuade foreign donors to provide funding for civil disobedience in line with their funder’s goal of keeping Africa destabilized.

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