Explorer Uganda

Activism in Uganda, a Newly Discovered Lucrative Business

Activism in Uganda has turned out to be a lucrative business, with many individuals and pseudo-non-profit organizations mushrooming in the name of defending human rights and preaching democracy.

At the face of it, these activists pretend to be voluntary human rights defenders passionately fighting for the rights and freedoms of minority groups, political prisoners, etc.

As you dig deeper, you realize that these so-called freedom fighters are funded by anti-Uganda crusaders and homosexual promoters whose interests are actually beyond human rights.

The funders use civil society organizations and other so-called non-profit organizations as channels where the dirty money passes to reach the conduits and agents in the name of human rights activists.

Many of these activists have become so rich even when they are known not to have other sources of income or jobs.

Recently, conflicts have erupted in political parties like the National Unity platform, and Forum for Democratic Change, as well as organizations like AGORA over the finances.

The so-called activists like Agather Atuhaire, Spire Ssentongo, Godwin Toko, and others have been accused of receiving money to get violent demonstrators out of prison, but these activists ended up using the money for their businesses and had no accountability to table.

The same people have been used by the enemies of Uganda to protest against Uganda’s oil projects in the Albertine region and other economic projects aimed at the development of the country.

These enemies usually popularize and promote their agents by inviting these agents to their countries, awarding them medals, and sometimes giving them citizenship and asylum.

Ideally, these so-called activists are earning big and misleading the common vulnerable people into violent protests and other lawless activities that lead them to confrontation with security forces and end up in jail.

The so-called activists are more enemies of development and undemocratic than peacemakers. They preach democracy but practice the contrary to destabilize their countries on behalf of colonialists.

The government of Uganda has a human rights arm called the Uganda Human Rights Commission (UHRC). One wonders why these so-called human rights defenders and their funders cannot operate through the right channel and use the same agency to fight for their rights.

The issue of homosexuality promotion is at the center stage of all these individuals and organizations to the extent that any money given to them has a component of homosexuals and protecting their dirty activities in the name of human rights protection.

It is high time Ugandans watched the actions of these so-called human rights defenders and thought twice before engaging with and being misled by the same group.

As the vulnerable youth and common man are used ignorantly to serve unknown interests, these teams are enriching themselves while using Ugandans as pawns. If they are passionate about what they do, they shouldn’t be earning heavily to do it, as they use innocent Ugandans.

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